Simple Unstructured Overlay Network

Web-Overlay includes an implementation of simple unstructured overlay network as an sample program.

This is a very simple unstructured overlay network.

  • it runs on a Node.js and only has a CUI interface.
  • it tries to keep at least 3 connections.
  • it supports random walking and flooding.

How to play


Open several terminal windows.

On the 1st terminal, run the initial node listening on port 8000.

% cd packages/unstructured
% node dist/unode.js http://localhost:8000
Started: NodeID=99d7428d, URL=http://localhost:8000
Command Line Usage:
status              -- show connections
put key value       -- store a key-value pair in this node
rw [--ttl=N] key    -- search key by single random walk
flood [--ttl=N] key -- search key by flooding

On the 2nd terminal, run the 2nd node that listens on port 8001. http://localhost:8000 is used as the URL of the introducer node. The 2nd node joins the overlay network of the 1st node.

% cd packages/unstructured
% node dist/unode.js http://localhost:8001 http://localhost:8000

Join more nodes likewise.


This program provides a simple CUI.

  • “status” command shows connections.
  • “put” command puts key-value pair in the local node.
  • “flood” command searches by flooding.
  • “rw” command searches by random walking.


Let us assume that there is 2 nodes, N1 and N2, in the overlay network.

Put some value in each node.

N1> put Japan Tokyo
N2> put Japan Osaka

Search by flooding. TTL (max hops) value can be changed with --ttl option.

N1> flood Japan
Found value Tokyo at N1 (path=Path(N1))
Found value Osaka at N2 (path=Path(N1->N2))
Query Timeout
N1> flood --ttl=0 japan
Found value Tokyo at N1 (path=Path(N1))
Query Timeout

Search by random walking.

N1> rw Japan
Found value Tokyo at N1 (path=Path(N1))

Note that random walking finds at most single entry.

Complete Source Code

The complete source code is included in the packages/unstructured directory.

You can view it online at

Last updated: Fri Jun 19 14:50:12 JST 2020